奥数网:在学习英语词汇中,有时同义词的辨析是很不容易的,我们一般从三方面进行区分,即:语法、语义和文体。语法主要是词性、搭配、句式等的区分;语义主要是词义的本义、引申义、比喻义和内涵和外延等的区分;文体主要是正式和非正式、褒义和贬义等的区分。下面是小编整理的同义词。 牧师 priest: A person, esp. a man specially trained for various religious duties and ceremonies, in the Christian church, esp. in the Roman Catholic church minister: A member of clergy, esp. Protestant churches. clergy: The officially appointed leader of the religious activities of a particular church or temple. clergyman: clergymen a member of clergy. pastor: A Christian religious leader in charge of a church and its members, esp. in a Protestant church. vicar: A priest in charge of an area in the church of England. father: A little of respect for a priest, esp. in the Roman Catholic.