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    2024-07-08 点击次数: 上传者:花独 下载全文
    近日,网友纷纷晒出小时候的雷人照,令小伙伴们大呼无法直视。 我们来看一段相关的英文报道 We all have the odd photographic skeleton in our closets those embarrassing childhood pictures that we hope never see the light of day. But it seems that

      近日,网友纷纷晒出小时候的雷人照,令小伙伴们大呼无法直视。   我们来看一段相关的英文报道   We all have the odd photographic skeleton in our closets – those embarrassing childhood pictures that we hope never see the light of day. But it seems that Chinese Weibo users are more than happy to air their most cringeworthy snaps of bygone days.   Weibo users have been taking to the website in their droves to post hundreds of hilariously awkward pictures to amuse their friends using a hashtag that translates as "showing off some embarrassing photos of our childhood".   我们每个人的家里都有那么几张见不得人的雷人童年照。而面对那些不忍直视的照片,想必你我都希望它们永不见天日。但似乎微博网友们更愿意晒出自己最尴尬的童年照。   微博网友近日纷纷将上百张雷人搞笑照发到网上,并取名为晒出不堪回首的童年照,以供小伙伴们自娱自乐。   【讲解】   childhood picture在文中解释为童年照。childhood是名词,解释为童年,例如:a happy childhood 快乐的童年。   bygone days解释为往昔、过去的日子,bygone是形容词,解释为过去的。此外,bygone还可以作名词用,解释为过去的事,例如:let bygones be bygones 过去的事就让它过去吧。

